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Places and regions / The last peak
Piave, Grappa e Montello
Between 1917 and 1918, Mount Grappa, in the north east of the Marca Trevigiana was the background for some of the most noted battles on the Italian front. Each peak witnessed the dramatic struggle between life and death; each valley was transformed into a point of resistance or a point of recovery, logistic line or temporary military hospital. Tens of thousands of Austro-Hungarian soldiers perished in their attempt to descend the valley towards the Venetian plain and tens of thousands of Italian soldiers suffered the same fate trying to contain the offensive action. Shortly after Caporetto, General Cadorna indicated the Grappa and the Piave as the maximum lines of resistance: here, the few troops available rallied, awaiting the withdrawal of the 4th army from Cadore.

The Austro-German immediately attacked the Grappa massif and ferocious battles were fought between the months of November and December of 1917. The Italians, with the advantage of the road and hydraulic works providently requested by General Cadorna the previous year, were able to resist and fortify the peak of Grappa and all of the southern spurs of the massif with extraordinary constructions, which for the most part can still be visited even today. The entire mountain was baptized “Monte Sacro alla Patria” (Mountain sacred to the homeland) and demonstrates the deservedness of the appellation in the numerous traces of stations and the grenade craters that skirt the hillsides and lie in the woods, which slowly grew after the firestorm.


> The last peak
> French military shrine
> Wounded art
> Bassano mountain refuge
> Vittorio Emanuele Gallery
> Italian Military Shrine
> Val delle Mure
> Remains of the cableway
> Trenches
> Battlefield
> Rocca
> Forcella Mostacin

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