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Valuation criteria

The vast geographical area included in the project and the considerable consistency of the interested assets has required the formulation of some fundamental choices in order to, first of all, identify the areas and the circumstances of particular vulnerability and significance and secondly, adopt as a technical key, the subdivision of the territory in areas on the criteria basis of space and time.

The historical conditions have surely represented the staring point, under an informative point of view: it is a matter of data which deals with the territorial characteristics, the strategic importance, the materials of the manufactured works, the functioning aspects of the organization and the organizational typologies. Each one of these elements has its own worth that needs to be identified and taken into consideration. The result has not been just a mere identification but a process of acknowledgement in the use of the contributions available from the different information levels of the "requirements" in order to obtain those complex relations capable to lead into the logical frame-work of the project.

Criteria Listing::
1) Historical value
2) State of conservation
3) Cultural value
4) Tourist interest


5) Degree of accessibility and usability
6) Environmental context
7) Availability of the works (property)


History and Environment

The General Project


Valuation criteria







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